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Estimate Vs Quote

The difference between our Spary Foam and Cork Estimates and Quotes

The first thing is quotes and estimates are not two different names that mean the same thing.  


An “estimate” is simply a guess as to what the project will cost. It is not binding and the end price could be less or, likely, more.  There is no site visit offered on an Estimate.

An estimate is basically a ‘guesstimate’ or rough, educated guess based on what a job may cost. Often it is supplied before we know all the details of a particular piece of work.

Estimates are the first thoughts on costs and can change drastically when we gain further information, when unexpected complications crop up during the work or the scope of what we have been asked to do increases.


A “quotation” or quote, on the other hand, is a legally binding fixed price for a fixed amount/type of work.

A quote (or quotation) is an exact price for the job being offered. As such it is fixed and CANNOT be changed once it has been accepted by the customer (unless the customer changes the amount/type of work required or we discover something completely outside of the scope of what was agreed).

Quotes are only issued after an onsite visit or where we are confident that we have established exactly what is needed.  There is a cost to receiving a quote which is refunded when the customer goes through with the requested work.

Understandably, quotes give our customers peace of mind in that they know exactly how much the work will cost before the job begins.  Because of this quotes are general higher than estimates.

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